Abano Terme is known since the age of the Ancient Romans for its magic water: the Thermae of Venice, in the heart of what is nowadays the biggest thermal center in Europe, patented (patent n. 1571203, precisely) and specialized in mud-bath therapy: a natural treatment with bio-thermal clay of our Euganean Hills and thermal water directly from our spring.
The peculiarity of the mud of Abano and Montegrotto Terme is determined by the presence of specific micro algae (diatomacae and cianoficae) and, above all, cyanobacteria, such as ETS-05, which produces substances with a high anti-inflammatory activity, with no collateral effectsand with exclusive mineralizing, antalgic and muscle relaxing benefits.
The mud-bath therapy has multiples indications; the most important one is surely about the musculoskeletal system disorders such as osteoarthritis and other degenerative forms, osteoporosis, extra-articular rheumatism, joint diseases,…. Also the mud DOC are perfect against the stress, to reactivate the bloodstream, to detox the organism and to re-mineralize the body deconstructing the muscles. The mature mud also stimulates the immune system, the endorphins and it oxygenates the blood and the tissues thus giving energy, vitality and… good mood!
No less important, especially at the AbanoRitz, the inhalation therapies. Nose, mouth and ears: precious sensory organs, important ways of communication through which our body opens itself to the external world to receive life, air, sensations and stirrings. Inhalations, aerosols, nasal cavities washes and endotympanic insufflations (we are the only center in Abano Terme, ed) help to keep the cavities of the ENT apparatus clean and well hydrated and to prevent seasonal or chronic disorders.
The AbanoRitz Hotel is a medical center with an agreement with the Italian National Health System and it is therefore possible to access the thermal treatment cycles also taking advantage of the demanding of the basic doctor (if Italian) and therefore paying only the health ticket, except for exemptions.
The AbanoRitz therefore offers you a global thermal wellness. More than medicines: Abano and Montegrotto Terme sludge are much better than drugs, thanks to the numerous active ingredients naturally produced during the maturation process. But we do not simply tell this, it is proven by the studies of the Centro Studi Termali Pietro d’Abano (holder of the Patent, ed), which have proven its effectiveness by identifying it. It has also been shown that thermal treatments can lower the use of medicines by 10%, with an advantage for the patient’s health, but also for health care expenditure.
What are you waiting for? We wait for you with unmissable offers for your Wellbeing and your Health!