April 25th : San Marco and the traditional Festa del Bòcolo

The 25th of April in Italy is Liberation Day, but in Veneto it is much more. Venezia, one of the most fascinating and romantic cities in the world, just a few kilometers from the Abano Ritz, celebrates its patron saint today. In addition to the magic of San Marco, however, there is a unique tradition celebrated on the 25th of April: the Festa del Bòcolo.

San Marco, the beating heart of Venezia

The heart of Venezia, the splendid San Marco’s square, is a place that enchants visitors with its majesty and elegance. Basilica of San Marco, amidst Byzantine mosaics and golden domes, is an architectural masterpiece testifying to the rich past of the Serenissima republic. The unique atmosphere of this city can be breathed even just by walking around the history-filled square.

The Festa del Bòcolo, a story of love and beauty

On the 25th of April, Venetians celebrate the Festa del Bòcolo, a tradition that comes to us from medieval times. The bòcolo, literally a red rose bud, is a symbol of love and passion, which men traditionally give to the woman they love. A romantic act that testifies to the importance of love and beauty in venetian culture.

The origin of this celebration dates back to a 12th century legend, when a venetian soldier, Tancredi, fell in love with Vulcana, the daughter of a Doge. The latter would never have allowed such a marriage, so the girl proposed to the valiant young man to fight against the Mori with the army of Carlo Magno so as to cover himself in glory. Tancredi left and the fame of his exploits soon spread around the world, but one day some knights arrived in Venezia and announced to Vulcana the death of her lover. He had fallen bleeding on a rose-bush and, before dying, had plucked a flower, begging the famous Orlando to take it to his beloved. The maiden took the rose stained with her Tancred’s blood and locked herself in her grief. The next day, which was San Marco Day, she was found dead with the flower still bloody on her heart.

The 25th of April in Venezia is truly a special time to immerse yourself in the culture, history and love that characterize this city. San Marco and the tradition of the bòcolo are symbols of romance and beauty, values that Venezia holds very high. Let yourself be swept away by the magic of San Marco and don’t miss the chance to give your loved one a bòcolo. Venice, just a few kilometers from Abano Terme, is easily reached by train or car and it is ready to welcome you with its picturesque “calle”, its fascinating canals and its unforgettable spirit.

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