Abano Terme, an oasis of wellbeing for sporty people

The Abano Ritz Hotel has always as a priority to promote the preventive health and the wellbeing of its Guests. A unique thermal experience, at the ancient thermæ of Venice, enriched by treatments for the athletes of all ages. The alpine skiing champion Sofia Goggia is the new ambassador of Abano Terme and in the coming months she will show first-hand the benefits of our thermæ and how the thermal treatments can help athletes to improve their performances, to recover from the training and to maintain an active lifestyle.

Wellness in our thermæ

Abano Terme is a thermal zone internationally renowned for its curative thermal waters and the therapeutic properties of its mud. Our thermal springs are rich in minerals that promote the blood circulation, relieve the muscle and joint pain and promote the body recovery.

Benefits of our thermal springs for athletes

  • Muscle and joint recovery. Regardless of age, the sporty people put intense strain on their joints and muscles. The thermal treatments offered at the Abano Ritz promote the muscle recovery, reduce inflammation and relieve pain, enabling athletes to recover more quickly after the training or the competitions.
  • Improvement of performances. The thermal waters of Abano Terme can improve sports performance. First of all, the hot water promotes vasodilation, increasing the oxygen brought to the muscles and improving their endurance. A panacea for athletes practicing high-intensity sports.
  • Injury prevention. Preventive health is essential for everyone, including athletes. The thermal treatments can help to prevent injuries by reducing muscle tension and improving joint flexibility. A more flexible and relaxed body is less susceptible to injuries.
  • Stress reduction. Stress is a factor that may negatively affect the performances. The Abano Ritz offers a calm and relaxing environment, ideal for stress relief and mental recovery. A vacation to disconnect from the daily routine, to regenerate and to reconnect with yourself.

Abano Terme offers a complete thermal experience for athletes of all ages. The benefits of the thermal waters combined with targeted treatments offer to the athletes a good muscle and joint recovery, improving of the performance, injury prevention and stress reduction. Preventive health is a priority for the Abano Ritz, which is committed to providing an ideal environment to take care of your well-being. Whether you are a professional athlete or a sports enthusiast, the thermæ of Abano Terme and the thermal treatments at the Abano Ritz Hotel will help you to reach your maximum potential and to keep you physically and mentally fit.

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