Water yoga at the AbanoRITZ Hotel


After last november’s appointment, on Sunday February 12th the thermal pools of the AbanoRITZ host a new session of Water YogaYoga and thermal water combined will help you achieve peak relaxation.  Floating in warm water at 33°-35°C makes it easier to perform the asana and doubles their benefits.

The class is held by Associazione MappaMundi.


Origin and features of the thermal water

What makes our thermal springs special is the bromidic-iodic-salt water found in the subsoil, originating from geothermal energy. From the Prealps rain water penetrates the subsoil until about 3000 metres in depth, gaining mineral salts and progressively heating up. In over 25 years it travels about 100 kilometres, reaching the Euganean area where, thanks to the particular structural conditions of the soil, it rapidly rises to the thermal springs.

For information and booking
Associazione MappaMundi
Via de Filippesi 9 – 35124 Padova
E-mail: mappamundiyoga@gmail.com
Tel. +39 392 7417382 (Cecilia) | +39 328 4166305 (Silvia)

Offerte AbanoRitz