Every year, the Carnival of Venice features a series of traditional and captivating public events such as the Flight of the Angel, the Festival of the Marie, the Venetian Water Festival, and the Soaring of the Lion.
Find the full calendar here: Official website https://carnevale.venezia.it/en/, social channels #CarnevaleVenezia2025.
This year, on the 300th anniversary of his birth, the Carnival of Venice returns to enchant the world from February 14 to March 4, 2025, with a special edition titled “The Time of Casanova,” dedicated to the timeless figure of the Venetian icon.
Giacomo Casanova remains one of the most iconic and fascinating figures in Venetian history. Born in 1725, Casanova is famous in popular imagination not only for his libertine spirit but also for his adventurous nature, his ingenuity, and his deep love for art and beauty in all its forms. He will be the central figure of the Venetian Carnival’s calendar, which this year begins on Valentine’s Day, weaving a captivating blend of love and magic within the timeless setting of Venice.
The Carnival of Venice is ready with a rich program of events, performances, and celebrations that will revive the atmosphere of the 18th century, exploring the creativity and passion embodied by Casanova—a symbol of 18th-century Venice and its refined, ever-bold culture.
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