One Hundred Horizons

AbanoRitz has had the privilege of participating in the Festival del Viaggiatore more than once. This year, the festival celebrates its 10th anniversary and will take place from September 1st to October 15th in beautiful locations including Lido di Venezia, Possagno, Bassano, and Asolo, all about an hour from the hotel and definitely worth a visit. The latter two stops have become familiar, and we were there in 2019. I personally remember with gratitude and admiration the Cananzi sisters, who created this extraordinary event.

The Festival del Viaggiatore loves to blend experiences and knowledge, to find new paths. By its nature, it spans multiple worlds. It is a festival of stories, with the traveler at its center. The journey can occur in a geographical location, an inner dimension, or an experience. Because every life is a journey, and every journey is a discovery, a challenge, a change.

Ida Poletto

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