Many scientific studies show the benefits of a regular physical activity that, combined with a balanced nutrition, reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases, osteoporosis, hypertension, diabetes and obesity. This is even more true at adult and elderly age.
Excercising regularly will:
- Help lower the blood pressure, reinforce the heart and stimulate blood circulation;
- Reduce the LDL low-density lipoprotein, the damaging part of the triglycerides, and rise the level of HDL part (the healty part of the colesterole);
- Activate the metabolic system and increasing the energy, reiforcing the bones and helping fixing calcium and minerals;
- Help maintain the right weight, reinforcing the muscles and burning fats;Improve the mood, relieve anxiety and stress;
It is as simple as taking long walks, better in group, and some simple exercises to improve the balance, guided by an expert. The ideal schedule consists in 3 trainings a week, every other day to let the body rest in between. The advised duration is about 30 minutes.