The magic of Pasta

“Life is a mix of pasta and magic.”

Federico Fellini

The most important meal of the day still be breakfast without any doubt, even if the time spent for it is never enough. Right for this reason at the AbanoRitz the breakfast with the room service is free: a full of energy, relax and enjoyment early in the morning!

Unfortunately, contrary to the habits of many, a coffee on the fly, as well as a cappuccino with a brioche at the bar, are not enough and always nutritionists repeat it. Just the 15% of Italian people consider breakfast as a proper meal and the 66% do not spend for it more than 10 minutes. Breakfast, being the meal that follows the long night rest, affects our metabolism and therefore automatically affects our mood, our body weight and our health in general. Eating a full breakfast regularly protects against cardiovascular diseases and diabetes, but it is not enough, in fact, to drink only liquid staff: everything has to be accompanied by carbohydrates and proteins; therefore it is good to consume vegetable milk, yogurt or eggs, as well as fruit rich in vitamins, sugar and fiber so as to bring to our body the correct percentage of daily needs, reaching a feeling of satiety.

As for the other two main meals, lunch and dinner, in the last period this latter one has certainly taken over the former as a value in social: an untouchable cornerstone of conviviality. For 6 out of 10 Italians it is in fact the most shared meal of the day with family or friends.

The pandemic has certainly varied our eating habits, but the undisputed queen of the Italian table is pasta. And so it is also welcome for dinner in order to have a more relaxing and fulfilling atmosphere. The nutritionist Michelangelo Giampietro specifies: “Eating pasta for dinner is a right choice and it is promoted by science. The presence of tryptophan in carbohydrates, combined with amino acids, increases the production of serotonin in the brain and the resulting state of psychological well-being, facilitating the numbness and the quality of sleeping time”.

At the AbanoRitz, the menu of the White Gloves restaurant varies daily giving various options of appetizer, first course, second course and dessert, however it is all prepared espresso and… pasta never fails! With tomato sauce, with bolognese sauce, with carbonara sauce, with shrimps, with mint and so on: we are waiting for you to taste them all!

We wait for you!

Offerte AbanoRitz