
The 14 things not to do in a hotel

I am pleased to report here an abstract of an article that appeared in the magazine A…

Christmas stress? A stay at the AbanoRITZ is the answer!

With the Immaculate Conception break, the holiday season has officialy begun,…

Artistic nativity scenes in Monteortone and on the Euganean Hills

Winter afternoons do not tempt you to spend a lot of…

Ferragosto under the stars at the AbanoRITZ

As a tradition, at…

mamma, bambini, famiglia, viaggio

Traveling moms: happy children on vacation

With the arrival of the summer, the…

Bike turism on the Euganean Hills: bike holidays with Girolibero

Girolibero, tour operator specialized in easy…

Value for experience: new trends in hospitality

In the hotel world the guest’s satisfaction is the most important…

Offerte AbanoRitz